Vulcan Token (VULCAN)
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Token Name: Vulcan Token
Token Symbol: VULCAN
Contract Address: 0xd7F7827507c49235A2a6C13cE07BaC75ab183eA8
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Max Supply: Unlimited (Deflationary)
Burn Rate: 1% of transfer tax will be burned immediately
Automatic Liquidity Rate: 4% of transfer tax will be added to the LP pool and locked.
Total Transfer Tax Rate: 5% of every transfer involving $VULCAN
Initial Emission Rate: 0.8 $VULCAN/Block
Reduction Rate: 12%
Reduction Interval: Every 12 hours roughly 14,400 Blocks
Final Emission Rate: Almost 0 $VULCAN/Block
$VULCAN does not have a hard cap. Under our sustainable tokenomics algorithm and auto emission reduction the emission of $VULCAN will eventually reach a negligible plateau, making it extremely valuable to hold $VULCAN as we introduce layer 2 of $VULCAN. TL;DR It wont have a hard cap but the emissions will be so small eventually that it will be close to a hardcap.
View our sustainable tokenomics algorithm here.